
Catastrophic Injury

Catastrophic Injury Attorneys in St. Louis

Catastrophic Injury Lawyers

When you or a loved one has suffered extensive injuries due to a major accident, it’s imperative that you hold the negligent parties responsible. Whether the injury requires long-term at-home care or extensive hospitalization, the experienced attorneys of Keane Law LLC will fight to recover the damages incurred.

Catastrophic Injuries
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Causes of Catastrophic Injuries

Life-changing injuries can result from a variety of accidents. Perhaps the most prominent cause is trucking collisions. When a commercial tractor trailer collides with an average-sized automobile, it’s highly likely that the victim becomes severely injured. Rarely do drivers walk away from the accident without a scratch.

Another common cause is from automobile collisions, especially on roadways where the speed limit is faster, such as a freeway. When vehicles are traveling at higher speeds, the accidents are more traumatic. They can involve major auto damage, as well as catastrophic injury.

Types of Catastrophic Injuries

In the case of a catastrophic injury, a full physical recovery is nearly impossible. The victim suffers extensive, irreversible damages, which can include:

  • Back and spinal cord injuries: Broken back, paralysis injuries (paraplegia, quadriplegia), severed spinal cord
  • Brain injuries: Concussions, head trauma, brain damage, traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • Burns: Chemical burns and fire injuries that result in hospitalization, skin grafts, plastic surgery, and infections
  • Loss of limbs: Injuries that require amputation
  • Fatal injuries: Wrongful death lawsuits
  • Other injuries: Those causing severe and permanent functional disability

Resulting Damages

When an injury is so severe, the resulting damages are substantial. In many situations, the victim can no longer work, so the loss of income and benefits directly affects them and their family. Additionally, emergency care, extended hospital stays, surgeries, and at-home care costs can create sizable debt. Many victims also suffer from emotional trauma as a result of the accident.

Receive Compensation for Your Catastrophic Injury

If you or a loved one have found yourself in a situation where a permanent, life-changing injury occurred from another’s negligence, you must seek compensation. It is extremely important to create a well-grounded, comprehensive claim against the negligent party.

The catastrophic injury attorneys of Keane Law understand the suffering you have endured. The long-term needs of both you and your family are dependent upon receiving compensation for your losses. We will fight for you to recover damages, such as long-term medical care, physical rehabilitation, lost wages, pain, and emotional trauma.

Contact the St. Louis Catastrophic Injury Attorneys Now

When a catastrophic injury occurs, the recovery of damages cannot wait. You have already suffered enough; let the experienced attorneys of Keane Law create a well-backed claim against the negligent party. We fight for those who have endured pain and suffering as a result of a major accident.

Our law firm treats you with utmost respect and care. At Keane Law, success is determined by client satisfaction. Your phone calls will always be returned, and you will be well-informed at all times regarding your case. Whether it involves extensive injury whose damages are worth millions of dollars or a minor concussion, we will provide personal, responsive service.

Contact us today for a case evaluation. We will not stop fighting until every damage is recovered. You owe it to yourself and your family to hold the negligent party responsible. Don’t wait – call us at (314) 375-4140 or complete our online form now.

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What Our Clients Have To Say

The attorneys at Keane Law are committed to ensuring our clients’ voices are heard. Whether we are representing one client in a personal injury case or fighting for many in a class action, we always have their best interests in mind. But don’t take our word for it. Here are a few testimonials from some of our clients.