
Nursing Home Injuries

Missouri & Illinois Nursing Home Injury Lawyers

Nursing Home Injuries

Missouri & Illinois Nursing Home Injury Attorneys

Your loved one was hurt in a nursing home. Maybe you helped carefully select the home; maybe you even paid for it. Now your heart is broken. Of course, we cannot undo the past. But we can help you hold the home accountable for their negligence and get them to pay up for what they have done. When you stand up for the rights of your loved one, maybe the home will think twice before hurting someone else.

The attorneys at Keane Law LLC have broad experience in nursing home liability cases. Whether the case involves a fall in a nursing home, insufficient or inadequate care, failure to diagnose, or something other occurrence, we can assess your case and determine whether it has merit.

Sadly, abuse within the walls of nursing homes is a common occurrence, ranging from neglect to mental and physical abuse. Far too often, our elders become silent victims, held hostage in institutions designed to protect and care for them. If your loved one been injured due to negligence or abuse or has died an untimely death at the hands of those entrusted with their care, you could have a claim for damages

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Has your loved one suffered from negligence, abuse or an untimely death at a nursing home? If so, you may have a claim.

Nursing homes can be legally held responsible for their negligent actions through personal injury or medical malpractice lawsuits. Our attorneys can help obtain a a settlement, or e judgment requiring the home to pay compensation. By pursuing legal action, you can also hopefully help prevent the same thing from happening to another family.

What is considered abuse or neglect?

Elderly abuse is defined as the maltreatment of an older adult. Abuse can include passive neglect of needs, overt mental or physical abuse, sexual assault, and forced substance abuse. Physical abuse can range from assault and battery to rape. Mental abuse can come in the form of insults, humiliation and threats. Mental abuse can also be an act of omission, such as ignoring or disregarding a patient or isolating them against their will. Neglect can consist of withholding food, water, or medication, as well as failure to provide a clean and safe environment for patients. Medical malpractice can come in many forms, including prescription failures, medical neglect, restraint injuries, misdiagnosis, forced substance abuse, and unnecessary falls and fractures.

There are over two million cases of elder abuse each year, with neglect leading the race and physical abuse following in second. The vast majority of nursing homes lack adequate staff to properly care for patients, leaving many patients victim to neglect. According to the National Center on Elderly Abuse, elders who experience abuse had about three times the risk of death than those who had not been abused. Far too often, elderly patients are reluctant to speak up. Many patients fear retaliation or pubic embarrassment. Because of this sad state of affairs, family and friends are often unaware that abuse may be happening.

Common Signs of Abuse and Neglect

  • Unexplained injuries – (e.g., wounds, cuts, bruises, welts, bed sores, pressure ulcers, loss of hair, infections)
  • Dehydration and malnutrition
  • Rapid changes in weight
  • Sudden changes in mood (e.g., agitation, withdrawnness,  depression, uncommunicativeness)
  • Unusual changes in behavior (e.g., combativeness, biting, sucking, rocking, fear of being touched)
  • Unsanitary and unclean conditions (e.g., insufficient bathing or changing of clothing and linens)
  • Refusal or delaying of visits

If you believe a loved one has experienced abuse or neglect at a nursing home, request a legal consultation with one of our experienced lawyers. A statute of limitations may apply, so contact us today. Pursuing a lawsuit against a nursing home can provide compensation and peace of mind for victims and can help prevent the same thing from happening to another family. We have worked with some of the leading nationwide experts in the standards of care in nursing home cases, achieving significant successes. If your loved one was injured as a result of poor conditions or poor care at a nursing home, contact us today for a case consultation.

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What Our Clients Have To Say

The attorneys at Keane Law are committed to ensuring our clients’ voices are heard. Whether we are representing one client in a personal injury case or fighting for many in a class action, we always have their best interests in mind. But don’t take our word for it. Here are a few testimonials from some of our clients.